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Newborn babies

Newborn Babies: Care, Development and Needs
Newborn babies are the most sensitive and important beings in the first few weeks following birth. The care, feeding and development of newborns is both exciting and complex for parents. In this article, we will give information about the basic needs, development and care of newborn babies.
What is a Newborn Baby?
The term “newborn baby” refers to babies within the first 28 days after birth. During this period, babies are trying to adapt to the world and need significant care. Newborn babies typically weigh 2.5 to 4.5 kilograms at birth and grow rapidly.
One of the most important needs of newborn babies is nutrition. Babies usually need to be fed every two to three hours. Breast milk is the most suitable and nutritious option for newborns. If breast milk is not available, formula feeding should be included in the routine under the guidance of a doctor.
A significant part of newborn babies' time is spent sleeping. However, newborns' sleep patterns are typically irregular and may be short-lived. Lay your baby on his back to sleep and make sure his sleeping area is safe and comfortable.
A significant part of newborn babies' time is spent sleeping. However, newborns' sleep patterns are typically irregular and may be short-lived. Lay your baby on his back to sleep and make sure his sleeping area is safe and comfortable.
Any object, toy or furniture around newborn babies can pose a danger. Therefore, ensure the safety of areas where babies are kept and keep them away from dangers.
Newborn Baby Development
The development of newborn babies is rapid and each baby develops at his own pace. However, in general, the development of newborn babies can be summarized as follows:
Physical Development: Newborn babies grow rapidly after birth. Body weight increases, muscles become stronger and reflexes improve.
Sensory Development: Newborn babies begin to explore the world around them. The senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch develop over time.
Cognitive Development: Newborn babies' mental abilities develop rapidly. Babies begin to recognize objects and people around them.
The care and development of newborn babies is an exciting part of parenting. During this process, it is very important for parents to understand their babies' needs and provide them with love, security and support. It is important to remember that every baby is different and develops at his or her own pace. Therefore, monitor your newborn baby closely and respond to his needs appropriately. Providing a loving environment and supporting their development is very important for them to have a healthy and happy start in life.